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Consultant Relations

Timothy Coffin

Head of Strategic Partnerships
Sustainability Committee Chair

Tim is head of strategic partnerships and chairs Breckinridge’s Sustainability Committee. In his role, Tim leads the firm’s corporate sustainability efforts and focuses on developing the firm’s strategic partnerships. In his time at Breckinridge, Tim has helped lead the introduction of Breckinridge’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) capabilities to clients. He has been with the firm since 2012 and has over 35 years of fixed income experience. Prior to Breckinridge, Tim was a vice president at Fidelity Investments where he launched and managed the firm's municipal finance group within Fidelity Capital Markets. Prior to Fidelity, he spent over 10 years with Corby Capital Markets Inc. where he managed the sales and marketing teams and served his last 3 years as the firm's president. Tim speaks regularly at conferences on topics related to sustainable investing and finance. He is a member of the advisory committee for the Brookings Institute’s Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy Annual Municipal Finance Conference. He is on the advisory board for the Journal of Impact and ESG Investing, and a member of the steering committee of the Intentional Endowment Network. Tim serves as the President of Ridley College’s U.S. Scholarship Foundation. He received a B.A. from Hobart College and holds a Series 65 license.

On his role…

"My primary role is on the consultant relations team. Additionally, I recently assumed the role of chairing our Sustainability Committee, which I am very excited about because it’s particularly relevant to my client-facing responsibilities. Within consultant relations, I spend a lot time educating clients on what sustainable investing is and trying to overcome preconceived notions that still exist about responsible investing. At Breckinridge, we really believe that sustainability is who we are as a firm, but I do not think you can achieve this without constantly having that conversation with all employees. As director of sustainability, my goal is to facilitate that ongoing dialog and to make sure that our corporate sustainability efforts are directly related to our business line.

On the Consultant Relations team…

"We want to make sure that the level of service we provide is consistent with the rigor of our investment process. Clearly, expertise and experience matter and technology plays a big role, but our structure is also a key competitive advantage. We have a very flat consultant relations group and employ a team-based approach. This means that there is redundancy in place, so for any needs that arise there are multiple people who are able to handle any question or inquiry.

On the importance of sustainability at Breckinridge…

"Breckinridge completely embraces sustainability not only in our business philosophy, but also in our investment philosophy. In the simplest terms, we firmly believe that analyzing material ESG factors and integrating that into our research process makes us smarter investors. By examining risks and opportunities through an ESG lens, we believe we’re getting a forward-looking, more holistic view of the issuers we invest in.

On the broader impact of sustainable investing…

"Bonds finance capital projects that help companies expand, and municipalities deliver essential public services. In this capacity, our free capital markets have been the driving force in creating and distributing prosperity. Sustainable investing recognizes that stewardship of the capital markets is vital to our economic future. For Breckinridge, we believe sustainability is in the best long term interest of our clients.

On Breckinridge’s distinctions…

"I think being an independent firm is a key advantage. It helps foster ingenuity and curiosity, which I think is valued by our clients and admired by our industry peers. We’re a leader in ESG integration into fixed income, and there’s a great sense of being a first mover here. Our exclusive focus on investment grade fixed income is also a strategic differentiator. It means our investment philosophy is also our business philosophy and every measure of success is directed to that priority.